Matrescence underlined in red

Once again I want to take you into the realm of linguistic oversight, one of neglect in a profound, transformative journey: Matrescence. As I came across this term a world unfolded in front and inside of me. I felt seen and recognized but at the same time it became painfully clear how carefully hidden this word and the experience of matrescence is.

It has been an official term in Anthropologie, coined by Dana Raphael, since the mid-1970’s but is still not recognized in wider society. How come adolescence is a word that stands proudly in dictionaries, and is accompanied by rituals, fashions, and slang, it gains societal acknowledgment and respect. It isn’t easy but it is expected. However the next rite of passage in life, the evolution of becoming a mother, remains uncharted, underlined in red and unnamed in dictionaries as if to suggest it’s a concept unworthy of recognition.

Matrescence is not merely a biological process; it's a symphony of emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformations. The term adolescence was coined to encompass the unique challenges of the teenage years, recognizing the turmoil and growth inherent in that period. Yet, when a woman embarks on the extraordinary journey of motherhood, we find ourselves at a loss for words. The absence of a designated term in mainstream dictionaries echoes a deeper societal oversight—one that reflects historical imbalances and an inherent undervaluing of the female experience.

It is a linguistic ignorance that reflects a societal tendency to silence the transformative narrative of motherhood. We inadvertently communicate that this journey lacks cultural, intellectual, and linguistic significance by not having a widely recognized term. It seems like people think: Motherhood is just something you just do on the side, and there is no need to talk about it in an intellectual context ‘please’. But in fact there is!

The silence around matrescence extends beyond language and permeates our cultural narratives. In literature, media, and other outlets, the motherhood journey is often portrayed through a narrow lens, showing stereotypes and idealized images that do little justice to the complexity of this experience. The absence of diverse, authentic representations further perpetuates the marginalization of matrescence.

But not all is lost. Mothers are now starting to reclaim their narratives, sharing their stories, and challenging the status quo. The red underline that once signaled exclusion is now becoming a cry for inclusion and recognition. We need intellectual conversations, motherhood-centered art, design, and rituals outside of the capitalist scope. We need to combine the science and the spiritual of becoming a mother and incorporate it into our narrative around Matrescence. 

It might not be a one-size-fits-all journey. Each woman's experience is unique, and shaped by many factors such as culture, socio-economic status, and personal circumstances. By acknowledging and embracing the diversity of maternal experiences, we take a crucial step towards rewriting the narrative and dismantling the stigma surrounding motherhood.

It is time to celebrate and honor the transformative power of motherhood, not just with words but through actions that prioritize the well-being and empowerment of mothers. In the grand tapestry of human existence, matrescence is a thread waiting to be woven into the narrative of our collective growth. It's time to redefine, question the norms, and embrace the profound journey of becoming a mother — matrescence.


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